[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
The underlying rule is that weapon skills cover the basic weapon style that would be used for a weapon.
Using an axe-hammer weapon would require its own skill, and would not allow you to use axes or hammers on their own.
Using a bastard sword requires both 1H and 2H skills to be developed separately, as the styles used are different enough that one skill won’t cover it.
Weapons can only be used in your ‘preferred’ hand, otherwise they are used as if you were non-proficient in them (unless you have Ambidexterity).
Allows a character to do the base amount of damage with the chosen weapon type.
For example, 1H Weapon (Sword) Proficiency allows a character to do 4 points of damage (the base amount for a sword) with all one handed swords, and gives no skill with any other weapon.
Type | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | Notes |
Dagger | 0’6" | 2’0" | |
1H | 1’6" | 4’0" | For every 0’6", or part thereof, beyond the Maximum Length the wielder requires a level of Strength |
2H | 3’0" | 6’0" | For every 1’0", or part thereof, beyond the Maximum Length the wielder requires a level of Strength |
Polearm (e.g. Staff/Spear) | 3’6" | 7’0" | For every 1’0", or part thereof, beyond the Maximum Length the wielder requires a level of Strength |
Example: A mace that is 4’0" long can be easily wielded one-handed. However, a mace that is 5’0" long requires the character to have at least Double Strength to wield one-handed.
Example: A 7’6" sword requires at least Double Strength to be wielded two-handed (and an unfeasible level of Septuple Strength to be wielded one-handed).
Example: A 7’6" staff requires at least Strength to be wielded two-handed and cannot be wielded with one hand.
Before you use Fists, familiarise yourself with the Safety Guidlines
Allows a character to do 2 additional points of damage with the chosen weapon type.
The skill <Melee Weapon> Proficiency must have already been taken in the weapon type.
Allows a character to do 4 additional points of damage with the chosen weapon type.
The skill <Melee Weapon> Specialisation must have already been taken in the weapon type.
Allows a character to do 6 additional points of damage with the chosen weapon type.
The skill <Melee Weapon> Expertise must have already been taken in the weapon type.
Allows a character to do 8 additional points of damage with the chosen weapon type.
The skill <Melee Weapon> Mastery skill must have already been taken in the weapon type.
Allows a character to do 10 additional points of damage with the chosen weapon type.
The skill <Melee Weapon> Advanced Mastery skill must have already been taken in the weapon type.
Allows a character to do the base amount of damage with the chosen throwing weapon type. A character without this skill does no damage with a throwing weapon.
For example, Throwing Weapon (Throwing Dagger) Proficiency allows a character to do 2 points of damage (the base amount for a throwing dagger) with all throwing daggers, and gives no skill with any other thrown weapon.
Allows a character to do 2 additional points of damage with a throwing weapon.
The skill <Throwing Weapon> Proficiency must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 4 additional points of damage with a throwing weapon.
The skill <Throwing Weapon> Specialisation must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 6 additional points of damage with a throwing weapon.
The skill <Throwing Weapon> Expertise must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 8 additional points of damage with a throwing weapon.
The skill <Throwing Weapon> Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 10 additional points of damage with a throwing weapon.
The skill <Throwing Weapon> Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do the base amount of damage with the chosen missile weapon type. A character without this skill does no damage with a missile weapon.
For example, Missile Weapon (Longbow) Proficiency allows a character to do 7 points of damage (the base amount for a longbow) with all longbows, and gives no skill with any other missile weapon.
Before you use Bows, familiarise yourself with the Safety Guidlines
Allows a character to do 2 additional points of damage with a missile weapon.
The skill <Missile Weapon> Proficiency must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 4 additional points of damage with a missile weapon.
The skill <Missile Weapon> Specialisation must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 6 additional points of damage with a missile weapon.
The skill <Missile Weapon> Expertise must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 8 additional points of damage with a missile weapon.
The skill <Missile Weapon> Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to do 10 additional points of damage with a missile weapon.
The skill <Missile Weapon> Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
Favoured Weapon can be used with a Melee/Thrown/Missile Weapon.
Allows a character to select a particular weapon (not weapon type) that he has used extensively as his Favoured Weapon. The base damage for the specified weapon is increased by 1, and this increase also effects the amount of damage that can be added due to Strength.
Example: Tyrel has chosen a Sword as his Favoured Weapon, and now does a base damage of 5 when using it. As he also has Triple Strength, he can further increase the damage by 5, instead of the usual 4 points of Normal damage.
A character can only have up to two Favoured Weapons. If he decides to make a different weapon his Favoured Weapon, he must spend 3 games without any benefit from the skill as he refocuses on his new Favoured Weapon.
Example: Tyrel finds a Masterwork Sword and, having used it for several adventures, decides to make it his new Favoured Weapon. After spending the additional CPs on his new Sword, the base damage for the weapon is 7 (4 base, +2 for being Masterwork and +1 for being a Favoured Weapon). When he uses his old Favoured Weapon, he no longer gains the increase in base damage.
Favoured/Chosen Weapon does not allow you to add extra damage from weapon enhancing spells/miracles
Example: If you have a sword doing base damage 4, Favoured Weapon allows you to do base damage 5, the most you can cast on it is still a Strengthen 4/Blade Sharp 4).
Also you must specify the style as well as the weapon when choosing Favoured/Chosen Weapon.
Example: Uklor’s Revenge an Axe/Mace weapon, you must state Favoured Weapon – Uklor’s Revenge – Mace. Or for Lightblighter a bastard sword, you must state Favoured Weapon – Lightblighter – 2H. Note you can
still onlybuy this skill twice, so may have it for both Axe & Mace or 1H & 2H by purchasing the skill two times%
Skill cost is the same as Expertise for the weapon.
Favoured Weapon may be purchased twice. This may be for the same weapon and two different styles (Using a Bastard Sword 1H and 2H) or for two different weapons (Using two daggers ambidex).
Chosen Weapon can be used with a Melee/Thrown/Missile Weapon.
Allows a character to further focus on his Favoured Weapon. The base damage for the specified weapon is increased by 3, and this increase also effects the amount of damage that can be added due to Strength. However, all other weapons have their base damage reduced by 1 as due to his focus on one weapon, he loses some skill with all others.
Example: Macey has a Mace as his Favoured Weapon, and chooses to improve his skill with it to make it his Chosen Weapon. Its base damage is increased from 4 to 7 and Macey can add 4 points of extra damage from his Quadruple Strength.
Macey’s secondary weapon is a Sword, which now has a base damage of 3 when he uses it and he can only increase its damage to 6 for his Strength.
This reduction in damage does not apply to other favoured/chosen weapons.
Chosen Weapon may be purchased twice. This may be for the same weapon and two different styles (Using a Bastard Sword 1H and 2H) or for two different weapons (Using two daggers ambidex). Favoured Weapon must have already been purchased for the weapon.
Skill cost is the same as Advanced Weapon Mastery for the weapon.
Weapon Adepts can be used with a Melee/Thrown/Missile Weapon.
This skill covers a wide variety of different abilities. Each ability must be learnt for a particular weapon type (e.g. 1H Sword).
Weapon Adepts (excluding Disarm) can be bought for Fist or Claw (which includes using the Claw Hand miracle).
Weapon Adept abilities can be combined together in a single attack.
Each time an ability is taken it allows the character to use it once per hour. Each ability can be learnt more than once to gain multiple uses in a hour.
Certain Weapon Adepts may have other Weapon Adepts as prerequisites.
Weapon Adept abilities must all be attached to a damage call, except the Disarm and Knockback abilities.
For Missile Weapons you can skip the requirement for learning the Swift and Piercing skills (though Through & Undodgeable are still bought at the Level 3/2 cost).
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can disarm a character wielding a weapon (not a shield) with less skill than themselves instead of doing damage. To successfully disarm, the attack must hit either the opponent’s arm that’s wielding the weapon or the weapon itself. If the attack misses or hits the wrong location the disarm use is still lost and no damage is caused.
A disarmed character must immediately drop the weapon he using, though he can retrieve it again.
Example: Brend has Legendary Mastery with a 1H Sword. If he bought a use of Disarm, he can call “Disarm Legendary Mastery” and if the disarm attempt is successful and the opponent has Advanced Mastery or lesser skill in the weapon he is using, he must drop it.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can perform Knockback attacks at their current strength level.
Example: G’Mord has Triple Strength naturally. If he bought a use of Knockback he can call “Triple Knockback”. However if he was suffering from a Double Weakness effect, then he would only be able to call “Knockback”.
Shattering Blow
Level: 1
A character with this adept ability can perform Shattering Blow attacks as per the Earth Spell. Each use of the adept purchased increases the level of Shattering Blow which can be performed.
Example. Marius has bought 1 use of Shattering Blow. He can use Shattering Blow 1 once an hour, increasing his damage by 5 on one attack agaist a shield.
Example. Marius buys a second use of Shattering Blow. He can either perform 2 Shattering Blow 1 attacks an hour, or one Shattering Blow 2.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this ability can make Swift attacks.
Level: 2
Prerequisites: For each use of Undodgeable you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Swift.
A character with this ability can make Undodgeable attacks.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this ability can make Piercing attacks.
Attacks with blunt weapons don’t actually pierce the armour, but the character has learnt how to place attacks to either partially avoid the armour or to bend the opponent’s own armour into his body.
Level: 3
Prerequisites: For each use of Through you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Piercing.
A character with this ability can make Through attacks.
Attacks with blunt weapons don’t actually go through the armour, but the character has learnt how to place attacks to either partially avoid the armour or to bend the opponent’s own armour into his body.
True Strike
Level: 3
Prerequisites: For each use of True Strike you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Undodgeable & Through.
A character with this ability can make True Strike attacks.
Subdue can only be used with a Melee Weapon.
Allows a character to do Subdue Damage with a particular weapon. This involves hitting with the flat of the blade, hitting non-vital areas, etc. The amount of Subdue Damage done is the same as the character’s existing level of skill in the weapon.
Example: Grazer has taken Sword Subdue Proficiency. So when using this skill he calls “Subdue Sharp 4”.
A character must have the appropriate Weapon Proficiency before he can take this skill.
Note that some creatures cannot be subdued (Undead for example).
The following can be added to Subdue damage:
The cost is the same as Weapon Specialisation for the weapon.
Allows a character to use the chosen shield type. A character without this skill cannot use the chosen shield type.
For example, Shield (Small) Proficiency allows a character to use all small shields, and gives no skill with any other shield type.
A small shield has a surface area less than 1 square foot.
A medium shield has a surface areas of between 1 square foot and 4 square feet.
A large shield has a surface area of more than 4 square feet. Each additional 2 square feet, or part thereof, above 6 square feet requires the character to have a level of strength.
If the character loses the required level of Strength during an adventure, he can no longer use the shield.
<Shield> Proficiency (and higher) allows you to strap the chosen shield type to either arm (not both) and use it.Increases the amount of damage required to break the shield by 3.
The skill <Shield> Proficiency must have already been taken in the shield size.
Increases the amount of damage required to break the shield by 6.
The skill <Shield> Specialisation must have already been taken in the shield size.
Increases the amount of damage required to break the shield by 9.
The skill <Shield> Expertise must have already been taken in the shield size.
Increases the amount of damage required to break the shield by 12.
The skill <Shield> Mastery must have already been taken in the shield size.
Increases the amount of damage required to break the shield by 15.
The skill <Shield> Advanced Mastery must have already been taken in the shield size.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
Allows a character to gain the base Normal protection on the appropriate location(s) by wearing a particular armour type.
Increases the Normal protection granted by the type of the armour by 1. However, the total protection provided from the armour and this skill cannot exceed double the base Normal protection.
The skill <Armour> Proficiency must have already been taken in the armour type.
Increases the Normal protection granted by the type of the armour by 2. However, the total protection provided from the armour and this skill cannot exceed double the base Normal protection.
Example: Grunhilda has a suit of Fur, which would normally provides 1 point of Normal protection. Having the Fur Specialisation skill means it provides her with 2 points of Normal protection. She would gain no advantage for learning Fur Expertise, however she can still buy it for the purposes of learning Combination.
Example: Grunhilda subsequently finds a set of superior Fur, which would normally provides 2 points of Normal protection. If she learnt Fur Expertise, it would provide her with 4 points of Normal protection.
The skill <Armour> Specialisation must have already been taken in the armour type.
Increases the Normal protection granted by the type of the armour by 3. However, the total protection provided from the armour and this skill cannot exceed double the base Normal protection.
The skill <Armour> Expertise must have already been taken in the armour type.
Increases the Normal protection granted by the type of the armour by 4. However, the total protection provided from the armour and this skill cannot exceed double the base Normal protection.
The skill <Armour> Mastery must have already been taken in the armour type.
Increases the Normal protection granted by the type of the armour by 5. However, the total protection provided from the armour and this skill cannot exceed double the base Normal protection.
The skill <Armour> Advanced Mastery must have already been taken in the armour type.
Allows a character to increase the effectiveness of wearing two layers of armour. Combination can be applied to all armour types and combinations. Without this skill the amount of protection granted by overlapping pieces of armour is the sum of the two armour types. With this skill the amount of protection is the sum of the two armour types plus one. For Combination to be effective, the character needs to have learnt Expertise in both types of armour being combined.
Example: Grunhilda wears Chain & Thick Leather and has learnt the skills Leather Expertise and Chain Expertise. When wearing Chain & Thick Leather, she has (4 + 6) 10 points of Normal Armour. She then learns Combination, learning how to effectively combine layers to provide (4 + 6 + 1) 11 points of Normal Armour.
You do not need to specify exactly how the armour is layered.
Example: Grunhilda, with the skills Leather Expertise and Chain Expertise could wear just Thick Leather, just Chain, Thick Leather on Chain or Chain on Thick Leather.
Note that the layers can be either both the same type of armour or two different types. To wear two layers of the same type of armour you would need to buy the appropriate Proficiency, Expertise etc. skills twice.
Example: Grunhilda wants to wear Thick Leather on Thick Leather. She needs to buy the Leather Proficiency skill again. For her Combination skill to be effective she would also need to buy the skill Leather Expertise again.
Allows a character to further increase his Combination skill. Unlike Combination, the Enhanced Combination skill must be learnt for two specific types of armour. With this skill the amount of protection provided is the sum of the two armour types plus 2. For Enhanced Combination to be effective, the character needs to have learnt Mastery in both types of armour being combined.
Example: Grunhilda has improved her skills and learnt Leather Mastery, Chain Mastery and Enhanced Combination (Leather & Chain). When wearing Thick Leather & Chain, she now has (4 + 7 + 2) 13 points of Normal Armour.
Armour Adepts can be used with any physical armour.
This skill covers a wide variety of different abilities. Some abilities may only be able to be purchased for certain types of armour.
Armour Adept abilities can be combined together.
A character can only benefit from armour adepts on locations they are wearing physical armour, unless otherwise stated. The armour does not have to currently be effective at providing armour (if the user has higher magical or miraculous armour from another source).
Each time an ability is taken it allows the character to use it once per hour. Each ability can be learnt more than once to gain multiple uses in a hour.
Certain Armour Adepts may have other Armour Adepts as prerequisites.
Shield Disarm
Level: 1
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency
A character with this adept ability can disarm a character who strikes their shield with less weapon skill than they have shield skill. To successfully disarm, the attack must hit the user’s shield. If the attack misses or hits the wrong location the disarm use is still lost.
Shield disarm can be used on blows which destroy the shield.
A disarmed character must immediately drop the weapon he using, though he can retrieve it again.
Example: Katrin has Legendary Mastery with Medium Shields. If she bought a use of Disarm, she can call “Disarm Legendary Mastery” and if the disarm attempt is successful and the opponent has Advanced Mastery or lesser skill in the weapon he is using, he must drop it.
Ablative Armour
Level: 1
Prerequisites: Armour Proficiency
When a character with this ability would suffer from a broken limb, instead any armour they are wearing on the location is destroyed. The character still suffers damage as normal but the limb does not break. The armour can be mended as normal afterwards.
Ablative Armour can only be used on armoured locations with armour that is not destroyed, disintegrated, or shattered.
Example: Blayz has Plate Proficiency and one use of Ablative Armour. She is hit in the right arm by a Zombie for 20, against which she has 6 protection. This causes 14 damage and destroys the plate bracer it hit. Her right arm is not broken.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: Armour Expertise
A character with this ability may redirect damage from any struck location to an adjacent location. The character applies the armour value from the location the attack is redirected to. The attack must target a single location. All attached effects (such as a Ghoul’s Paralysis or a Scout’s salves) are also redirected.
Example: Mattias is wearing Plate on his arms and legs, and no armour on his chest. He is struck in the chest for 6. This would cause 6 Damage. He uses Redirection to redirect the damage to his Right Arm, and takes a bruise.
%(newtext)Example: Mattias is wearing Plate on his arms and legs, and no armour on his chest. He is struck in the chest for Piercing 6 Coma 2 by a scout. This would cause 6 Damage and the effects of a Coma 2. He uses Redirection to redirect the damage to his Right Arm, and takes 3 damage and the Coma 2 effect.
Arcane Surge
Level: 1
When a character with this ability is struck by an attack with a spell or miracle that provides normal or power armour active, they may double the defense offered by that casting for a single attack. The spell or miracle is then Dispelled.
Arcane Surge CANNOT be used with castings on shields to increase the breakage value
Example: Blayz has Fireskin 4 active giving 4 points of Power Armour and one use of Arcane Surge. She is hit by Fire Dart 8. Using her Arcane Surge, Blayz increases her power armour from 4 to 8 and calls Bounce. Her Fireskin is dispelled.
Improved Evasion
Level: 2
Prerequisites: Any of Fur, Padded, Leather or Reinforced Leather Expertise or Dexterity 4
A character with this adept ability may reduce the Swift and Undodgable special strikes by 1 step. Undodgable is reduced to Swift, Swift is negated. Improved Evasion can only be used when the character is wearing Fur, Padded, Leather or Reinforced Leather armour, or no physical armour at all.
Multiple uses may be used to further reduce special strikes
Example: Hel has Leather Expertise, has three uses of Improved Evasion and is struck for Undodgable 6 twice from behind. She uses all three of her Improved Evasion uses, reducing the first attack to 6 and the second attack to Swift 6.
Heavy Armour
Level: 2
Prerequisites: Any of Chain, Banded or Plate Expertise
A character with this adept ability may reduce the Piercing and Through special strikes by 1 step. Through is reduced to Piercing, Piercing is negated.
Multiple uses may be used to further reduce special strikes
Example: Gerrard has Chain Mastery, has three uses of Heavy Armour and is struck for Through 6 twice from behind. He uses all three of his Heavy Armour uses, reducing the first attack to 6 and the second attack to Piercing 6.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
Gives a character 1 additional Life Point each time it is taken.
The cost for learning Enhance Life increases by one for every band, as defined by the Life Point Threshold for the character’s race.
Example: Halamar has Weapon Expertise (1H Sword) and does not have Ambidexterity. With a sword he does 8 in his main hand and 4 in his off hand.
Example: Halamar does not have Weapon Proficiency (1H Mace) and does not have Ambidexterity. With a mace he does 2 in his main hand and 2 in his off hand.
The character is strong which allows him to do extra damage when attacking and to break out of some spell/miracle effects.
The character does the following extra damage per level of strength:
1H Weapon | +11 |
2H Weapon | +21 |
Claws | +1 |
Fist | +1 |
1 Additional damage due to Strength, Double Strength etc. is limited to the base weapon damage.
Example: G’Mord has Triple Strength and hence can do up to +6 additional damage with a weapon.
With a Dagger (base 2) he can do a total of 4 damage.
With a 1H Sword (base 4) he can do a total of 7 damage.
With a 2H Sword (base 7) he can do a total of 13 damage.
Strength, Double Strength etc. can be used with Bows and Crossbows in exactly the same way as for melee weapons, but only if the character is using a strengthened version. Strengthened bows can be used with lower levels of strength. Changing the level of strength used with a bow requires one minute of roleplay making adjustments to the bow.
Strength, Double Strength etc. can be used with thrown weapons in exactly the same way as for melee weapons.
The skill also allows the character to escape the effects of some spells/miracles and help others to escape the effects of some spells/miracles, this is equivalent to 4 people per level of strength (e.g. 4 people for Strength, 8 people for Double Strength, 12 people for Triple Strength etc.)
Every level of this skill gives the character 1 point of Dexterity.
Every level of this skill reduces the Dexterity Penalty by 1.
Example: Karn has Dexterity 3 and usually wears Thin Leather that provides 1 point of Normal armour to his Body, Arms and Legs. His Dexterity Penalty is -1. He then learns Manoeuvre in Armour 1, which removes this penalty and allows him to use his full Dexterity.
Each level of this skill gives the character 1 point of Normal protection which is added to the Normal protection he gains from any physical armour he is wearing. In addition, Toughness also reduces the duration of Disease and can reduce the effects of some types of Poison.
This skill allows the character to resist the effects of certain effects and also to enhance the effect of certain spells and miracles. In addition, Willpower effectively increases the character’s Death Threshold as the character can choose to use his will to cling to Life.
Example: Kelvor, an Elven Warrior, has a Death Threshold of 2 (having lost one in an unfortunate incident with a Goblin and a large spoon) and a Willpower of 2, which means he can stay alive whilst his Life Points are above -4.
Increased Willpower does not allow a character to be brought back from the dead once his Death Threshold reaches 0.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
This skill can be used to stop a character from dying in the following situations:
A suitable bandage must be applied to the location. The effect lasts for 15 minutes, at which time the blood soaked bandages must be replaced.
Bind Wounds can also be used to stop a character from dying if they are bleeding from their Life Points being below 0, or having received a Lethal Strike. In order to do this, the character using Bind Wounds must Concentrate and roleplay appropriate actions to prevent bleeding. As long as the character does so, the target will lose no further life points.
In order to fix a broken location, a character with the skill Set Broken Bone must tend to the break.
If the broken location then receives 20 points of wounds healing in one go (e.g. from a Heal Wounds 20) the location has been set and the bone is repaired.
Allows a character to find out exactly how badly each location of a character or creature is damaged and how much Life Points the character has. The skill takes a minute to use to fully determine the extent of the character’s injuries (the player is told the Life and Body Points).
The skill can also be used quickly to gain a quick overview of a character’s injuries. This takes 10 seconds, and the player using the skill is told any location that is on less than one-quarter Body Points and whether the character is on less than one-quarter Life Points.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
Allows a character to discern:
Takes a minute to use.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
Allows a character to discern:
Discern Spiritual Influence cannot be used on yourself.
Takes a minute to use.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
Allows a character to discern:
Takes a minute to use.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
Allows a character to discern whether another character or creature is suffering from the effects of paralysis, petrification or similar and how much longer the effect will last. Takes a minute to use.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
Allows a character to discern the current and maximum Death Thresholds of a living or dead body (these values can be different due to overcasting). Takes a minute to use.
Discern Skills can be used simultaneously.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
Allows a character to tell whether something or someone within 1 inch of his hand is magical or is under the influence of a spell. It also allows the character to gauge the current Mana of a character as follows:
Current Mana | Reading |
1–15 | low |
16–50 | medium |
51–100 | high |
101+ | very high |
When this skill is used on themselves, the character can tell exactly how much Mana they currently have.
Allows a character to read/write the magical runes used in spell scrolls.
You can only learn runes for the schools that you can potentially cast from (note you do not need to be able to cast a spell from the school). Learning your first elemental school spell/runes means that you cannot learn the opposite schools spells/runes (similarly for luminosity).
Example: a Pyromancer can learn Fire, Earth, Air, Light & General runes, but not Water (unless he was a member of the Circle and at a Rank when can learn an opposite).
The following are the potential School Runes that can be learnt:
Note that a character can likely only learn a subset of this list (subject to their Guild etc.) and additionally learning Dark, Necromantic or Demonology runes requires approval from the Character Ref.
Each level of Enhance Mana increases the characters Mana by 1.
The cost for learning Enhance Mana increases by 1 for every band, as defined by the Mana Threshold for the character’s race.
Allows a character to perform the Meditate action (see The System).
Allows a character to learn a particular spell.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of schools known (see Magic and Mages).
Multicast is a skill which allows a character to cast more than one spell simultaneously. All the spells in the multicast must be:
The CP cost for the Multicast skill is equal to the total CPs for the relevant Learn Spell skills.
Example: Flare, an Elf Mage has spent 8 CPs on Glowing Mark 2 and 4 CPs on Fire Dart 2. The cost for learning Multicast (Glowing Mark 2, Fire Dart 2) is 12 CPs.
When multicasting although you’re effectively performing one casting, you are in reality casting all spells sequentially. This means that:
You do not need to learn multicast for previous spells in a chain e.g. You can learn the Multicast (Freeze(R), Ice Dart 4) without knowing the Multicast (Freeze(R), Ice Dart 2)’.
If you are a Tower mage specialised in Ice Dart and at Rank 10 learn the Multicast (Freeze(R), Ice Dart 2), then at Rank 20 you can effectively cast this as Freeze(R), Ice Dart 4 and at Rank 50 Freeze(R), Ice Dart 6, without spending anymore CPs.
The ordering of a Multicast may be important.
Example: Faliece wants the spell Shocking Grasp 9 to be on his hands after casting Blink 0. So he learns the Multicast (Blink 0, Shocking Grasp 9). N.B. if he learnt the Multicast (Shocking Grasp 9, Blink 0) the Shocking Grasp would dissipate immediately (due to the way Touch spells/miracles dissipate if another spell/miracle is cast).
You CANNOT combine a spell and a miracle into a Multicast.
This skill covers a wide variety of different abilities. Each ability must be learnt for a particular spell chain (e.g. Fire Dart).
Using a Magic Adept ability increases the effective level of the spell by the level of the ability, which in turn means that the spell
Magic Adept abilities can only be applied to instant cast spells.
Magic Adept abilities can be combined together in a single casting, with each one increasing the effective level.
Magic Adept abilities can be used with casting via items. The user must pay the additional mana cost of the adept seperately.
Each time an ability is taken it allows the character to use it once per hour. Each ability can be learnt more than once to gain multiple uses in an hour.
Certain Magic Adepts may have other Magic Adepts as prerequisites.
If a spell exists already, then you don’t have to learn the enhanced version
Example: To learn Entangle(R) extended to 40’, you just need to know Entangle(R), you don’t have to learn Entangle(T) extended to range.
Spells which have been enhanced with a Magic Adept dispel/extend at their normal level, not the effective level.
Self To Touch
Level: 2
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can turn a self only spell into a touch spell.
The call for the spell must include “Self to Touch”.
Touch to Range
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can turn a touch spell into a spell with a range of 20’.
Note that any Touch to Range location damage spell goes to the least injured location (like a Mass effect). If multiple attacks are done they are handled individually, so may go to different locations depending on injuries.
The call for the spell must include “Touch to Range”.
Extend Range
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None.
A character with this adept ability can extend the range of a spell by 20’. The spell must already have a 20’ range.
The call for the spell must include “Extended Range”.
The Extend Range adept ability can be used multiple times for the same spell. Each time this adept ability is used, the character can cast the spell at a range of a further 20’.
Example: Flare has bought Extend Range twice for the Fire Dart chain of spells. In a fight he can cast spells at the standard range of 20’, at a range of 40’, which increases the effective level by 1, or at a range of 60’, which increases the effective level by 2.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None.
A character with this adept ability can cast a spell as a Swift spell.
This ability is only useful for offensive, dodgeable spells (not including area of effect spells).
The call for the spell must include “Swift”.
Level: 2
Prerequisites: For each use of Undodgeable you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Swift.
A character with this adept ability can cast a spell as an Undodgeable spell.
This ability is only useful for offensive, dodgeable spells (not including area of effect spells).
The call for the spell must include “Undodgeable”.
Speed Cast
Level: 2
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can cast a spell with half (round down) the number of standard vocals. Unlike other abilities, the effective level increase does not require a longer set of vocals, though the other effects of casting a higher level spell (e.g. Mana costs) are still applicable.
The call for the spell must include “Speed Cast”.
When combining Speed Cast with other Magic Adepts, half the total number of vocals.
Example: Barel uses Speed Cast on an Ice Dart 20 (level 10) whilst also using Extended Range three times to increase its range to 80’. The number of vocals for an Ice Dart 20 would usually be 30, extending the range 3 times would add another 9 vocals, giving 39 in total. Speed casting it would half the number of vocals to 19.
Instant Cast
Level: 4
Prerequisites: For each use of Instant Cast you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Speed Cast.
A character with this adept ability can cast a spell with no vocals other than the spell name. Unlike other abilities, the effective level increase does not require a longer set of vocals, though the other effects of casting a higher level spell (e.g. Mana costs) are still applicable.
The call for the spell becomes “Instant Cast <Spell>”.
This skill allows the character to:
Creating a new Talisman takes an entire day.
Upgrading a Talisman takes an entire day per level.
Example: Adiuvo an elven mage has the skill Create Talisman 3 (which cost him 3CPs + 4CPs + 5CPs = 12CPs). He creates his first Talisman which takes 1 day and gives him a level 1 Talisman. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Talisman, which takes 2 days.
He then loses this Talisman and so creates his second Talisman and it takes a day. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Talisman, which takes 2 days.
This Talisman gets stolen and so he creates his third Talisman and it takes a day and he loses a Death Threshold in the process. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Talisman, which takes 2 days. He then upgrades it to a level 3 Talisman, which takes 3 days.
Example: Adiuvo subsequently buys the skill Create Holy Symbol 1 and creates his first Holy Symbol. Which he loses, so he creates his second Holy Symbol which is stolen. So he creates his third Holy Symbol, only at this point does he lose another Death Threshold.
The Create Talisman skill can only be used to create a Talisman for yourself, you cannot create a Talisman for other people.
This skill offsets the casting penalty for wearing metal armour whilst casting spells by 1 per level.
This skill is used in order to create magical items.
Separate Enchant Item skills are required for each of the Schools of Magic e.g. Enchant Item(Fire), Enchant Item(Necromancy), Enchant Item(General) etc. Enchant Item can only be learnt for the Schools that the character can cast.
Enchant Item starts at level 0.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of schools known (see Magic and Mages).
This skill is used when creating and performing rituals to cast a magical effect.
Separate Magic Ritual skills are required for each of the Schools of Magic e.g. Magic Ritual(Fire), Magic Ritual(Necromancy), Magic Ritual(General) etc. Magic Ritual can only be learnt for the Schools that the character can cast.
Magic Ritual starts at level 0.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of schools known (see Magic and Mages).
- Work with Cabal :
This skill allows the character to be an Assistant to a Magic Ritual. An Assistant can do their choice of one of the following:
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
Allows a character to tell whether something or someone within 1 inch of his hand is under the influence of a miracle. It also allows the character to gauge the current Standing of a character as follows
Current Power | Reading |
1–15 | low |
16–50 | medium |
51–100 | high |
101+ | very high |
When this skill is used on themself, the character can tell exactly how much Standing they currently have.
Allows a character to read/write the Path Runes used in miracle scrolls.
The first set of Path Runes a character must learn is always the one associated with his own Path. They can then learn the Temple Runes of the Paths closest to their own (but not diagonally related).
Example: Just is a Priest of Justice and hence the first set of Path Runes he learns must be those of Justice. After that he could learn the Path Runes for Life and Order.
Example: Flint is a Priest of Order and hence the first set of Path Runes he learns must be those of Order. After that he could learn the Path Runes for Justice, Balance and Might.
If a character follows the Path of Nature, then they can learns Runes from their Sects in order (So Primary first, and then other sects in whatever order they choose to learn them).
The following are the potential Path Runes that can be learnt:
Note that a character can likely only learn a subset of this list subject to their Guild etc. and additionally learning Anarchy runes requires approval from the Character Ref. Dark Druids learn Death Runes.
Each level of Improve Standing increases the characters Standing by 1.
The cost for learning Improve Standing increases by 1 for every band, as defined by the Standing Threshold for the character’s race.
Allows a character to perform the Prayer action (see The System).
Allows a character to learn a particular miracle.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of Principles (see Religion and Priests).
Combined Prayer is a skill which allows a character to cast more than one miracle simultaneously. All the miracles in the Combined Prayer must be:
The CP cost for the Combined Prayer skill is equal to the total CPs for the relevant Learn Miracle skills.
Example: Biscuit, a Human Chaos Priest has spent 10 CPs on Dispel 4 and 4 CPs on Destroy (R). The cost for learning Combined Prayer (Dispel 4, Destroy (R)) is 14 CPs.
When combining although you’re effectively performing one casting, you are in reality casting all miracles sequentially. This means that:
You do not need to learn Combined Prayer for previous miracles in a chain e.g. You can learn Combined Prayer (Dispel Miracle 1, Destroy(R)) without knowing Combined Prayer (Dispel Miracle 0, Destroy(R)).
You CANNOT combine a spell and a miracle into a Combined Prayer.
This skill covers a wide variety of different abilities. Each ability must be learnt for a particular miracle chain (e.g. Lightning Dart).
Using a Miracle Adept ability increases the effective level of the miracle by the level of the ability, which in turn means that the miracle
Miracle Adept abilities can only be applied to instant cast miracles.
Miracle Adept abilities can be combined together in a single casting, with each one increasing the effective level.
Miracle Adept abilities can be used with casting via items. The user must pay the additional standing cost of the adept seperately.
Each time an ability is taken it allows the character to use it once per hour. Each ability can be learnt more than once to gain multiple uses in a hour.
Certain Miracle Adepts may have other Miracle Adepts as prerequisites.
If a miracle exists already, then you don’t have to learn the enhanced version
Example: To learn Entangle(R) extended to 40’, you just need to know Entangle(R), you don’t have to learn Entangle(T) extended to range.
Miracles which have been enhanced with a Miracle Adept dispel/extend at their normal level, not the effective level.
Self To Touch
Level: 2
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can turn a self only miracle into a touch miracle.
The call for the miracle must include “Self to Touch”.
Touch to Range
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can turn a touch miracle into a miracle with a range of 20’.
Note that any Touch to Range location damage miracle goes to the least injured location (like a Mass effect). If multiple attacks are done they are handled individually, so may go to different locations depending on injuries.
The call for the spell must include “Touch to Range”.
Extend Range
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None.
A character with this adept ability can extend the range of a miracle by 20’. The miracle must already have a 20’ range.
The call for the miracle must include “Extended Range”.
The Extend Range adept ability can be used multiple times for the same miracle. Each time this adept ability is used, the character can cast the miracle at a range of a further 20’.
Example: Rhegor has bought Extend Range twice for the Lightning Dart chain of miracles. In a fight he can cast miracles at the standard range of 20’, at a range of 40’, which increases the effective level by 1, or at a range of 60’, which increases the effective level by 2.
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None.
A character with this adept ability can cast a miracle as a Swift miracle.
This ability is only useful for offensive, dodgeable miracle (not including area of effect miracle).
The call for the spell must include “Swift”.
Level: 2
Prerequisites: For each use of Undodgeable you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Swift.
A character with this adept ability can cast a miracle as an Undodgeable miracle.
This ability is only useful for offensive, dodgeable miracles (not including area of effect miracles).
The call for the miracle must include “Undodgeable”.
Speed Cast
Level: 2
Prerequisites: None
A character with this adept ability can cast a miracle with half (round down) the number of standard vocals. Unlike other abilities, the effective level increase does not require a longer set of vocals, though the other effects of casting a higher level miracle (e.g. Standing costs) are still applicable.
The call for the miracle must include “Speed Cast”.
When combining Speed Cast with other Magic Adepts, half the total number of vocals.
Example: Aniseed uses Speed Cast on an Mass Heal Life 20 (level 8) whilst also using Extended Range three times to increase its range to 80’. The number of vocals for an Mass Heal Life 20 would usually be 24, extending the range 3 times would add another 9 vocals, giving 33 in total. Speed casting it would half the number of vocals to 16.
Instant Cast
Level: 4
Prerequisites: For each use of Instant Cast you buy, you must have bought a corresponding use of Speed Cast.
A character with this adept ability can cast a miracle with no vocals other than the miracle name. Unlike other abilities, the effective level increase does not require a longer set of vocals, though the other effects of casting a higher level miracle (e.g. Standing costs) are still applicable.
The call for the spell becomes “Instant Cast <Miracle>”.
This skill allows the character to:
Creating a new Holy Symbol takes an entire day.
Upgrading a Holy Symbol takes an entire day per level.
Example: Trantis, a human priest, has the skill Create Holy Symbol 3 (which cost him 3CPs + 4CPs + 5CPs = 12CPs). He creates his first Holy Symbol which takes 1 day and gives him a level 1 Holy Symbol. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Holy Symbol, which takes 2 days.
He then loses this Holy Symbol and so creates his second Holy Symbol and it takes a day. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Holy Symbol, which takes 2 days.
This Holy Symbol gets stolen and so he creates his third Holy Symbol and it takes a day and he loses a Death Threshold in the process. He then upgrades it to a level 2 Holy Symbol, which takes 2 days. He then upgrades it to a level 3 Holy Symbol, which takes 3 days.
Example: Trantis subsequently buys the skill Create Talisman 1 and creates his first Talisman. Which he loses, so he creates his second Talisman which is stolen. So he creates his third Talisman, only at this point does he lose another Death Threshold.
The Create Holy Symbol skill can only be used to create a Holy Symbol for yourself, you cannot create a Holy Symbol for other people.
This skill is used in order to create miraculous items.
A character can only learn Consecrate Item for his own Path or Sect(s) (unless an Artificer).
Consecrate Item starts at level 0.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of Principles (see Religion and Priests).
This skill is used when creating and performing rituals to cast a religious effect.
A character can only learn Religious Ceremony for his own Path or Sect.
Religious Ceremony starts at level 0.
The CP cost is dependent on the number of Principles (see Religion and Priests).
Characters with Religious Ceremony for different Paths can work together to cast rituals of shared Principles. Thus characters with Religious Ceremony(Anarchy) and Religious Ceremony(Might) can form a Conclave to cast Death miracles.
This skill allows the character to be an Assistant to a Religious Ceremony. An Assistant can do their choice of one of the following:
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
Allows a character to recognise the base type of the creature(s) by sight.
Example: The powerful Lich [Mage] ‘Klaxx the Maligned’ is roaming the lands killing all in his wake. Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Proficiency”, Klaxx responds “Undead”.
It will also allow you to recognise specific named individuals you have met before.
Example: Syrdan meets a group of Orcs and calls “Recognise Creature Proficiency”, the Orcs respond “Goblinoid”. After an initial stand-off, the Orcs appear friendly and one of them introduces himself as ‘Urug’. After a brief talk, Syrdan leaves.
Later that day Syrdan meets him again and calls “Recognise Creature Proficiency” and he responds “Urug”.
Recognise Creature will not allow you to recognise invisible/incorporeal creatures unless you have the following spells/miracles/abilities running:
Recognise Creature Proficiency is a free skill for all characters.
Allows a character to recognise the first sub-type of the creature(s) by sight.
Example: Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Specialisation”, Klaxx responds “Skeleton”.
Allows a character to recognise the second sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by sight.
Example: Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Expertise”, Klaxx responds “Death Knight”.
The skill Recognise Creature Specialisation must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the third sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by sight.
Example: Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Mastery”, Klaxx responds “Lich”.
It also allows for a character to recognise the creature’s best physical/mental trait as follows
Trait | Highest Stat |
Tough | Toughness |
Strong | Strength |
Willful | Willpower |
Dextrous | Dexterity |
Mundane | None |
In the event of two stats being equal, only one result is given. In the event of a creature having no physical/mental traits at all, the result is ‘Mundane’.
The skill Recognise Creature Expertise must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the class of the creature(s) by sight.
Example: Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Advanced Mastery”, Klaxx responds “Lich [Mage]”.
The skill Recognise Creature Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise any information the GM deems relevant about the creature(s) (e.g. this could be the creatures name, guild etc.) by sight.
Example: Brightleaf calls “Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery”, Klaxx responds “Lich [Mage] ‘Klaxx the Maligned’”.
The skill Recognise Creature Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Specialisation must already have been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Specialisation must already have been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Expertise must already have been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Advanced Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to give Creature Lore bonuses to fight certain creatures. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the base type of the creature(s) by smell. This can be used to ascertain if the creature(s) has been in the area recently. Note that not all creatures are identifiable by this method.
Example: A Goblin war band consisting of 2 Fire Goblins [Mage], 6 Goblins [Scout] and their Goblin chieftain ‘BoneCracker’ [Priest] is hiding in a cave. Gaheris approaches the entrance of the cave and calls “Recognise Smell Proficiency”. The GM responds “Goblinoid”.
Allows a character to recognise the first sub-type of the creature(s) by smell.
Example: Gaheris calls “Recognise Smell Specialisation”. The GM responds “Goblin”.
The skill Recognise Smell Proficiency must already have been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the second sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by smell.
Example: Gaheris calls “Recognise Smell Expertise”. The GM responds “Goblin and Fire Goblin”.
The skill Recognise Smell Specialisation must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the third sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by smell.
Example: Gaheris calls “Recognise Smell Mastery”. The GM responds “Goblin and Fire Goblin”.
It also allows for a character to recognise the creature’s best physical/mental trait as follows
Trait | Highest Stat |
Tough | Toughness |
Strong | Strength |
Willful | Willpower |
Dextrous | Dexterity |
Mundane | None |
In the event of two stats being equal, only one result is given. In the event of a creature having no physical/mental traits at all, the result is ‘Mundane’.
The skill Recognise Smell Expertise must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the class of the creature(s) by smell.
Example: Gaheris calls “Recognise Smell Advanced Mastery”. The GM responds “Goblin [Scout & Priest] and Fire Goblin [Mage]”.
The skill Recognise Smell Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise any information the GM deems relevant about the creature(s) (e.g. this could be the creatures name, guild etc.) by smell.
Example: Gaheris calls “Recognise Smell Legendary Mastery”. The GM responds “Goblin Chieftain [Priest] ‘BoneCracker’, Goblin [Scout] and Fire Goblin [Mage]”.
The skill Recognise Smell Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Proficiency must already have been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Specialisation must already have been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Expertise must already have been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Advanced Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to gather natural materials and process them into Salves. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Smell Legendary Mastery must already have been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the base type of the creature(s) by their tracks. Note that not all creatures are identifiable by this method.
Example: A Half-Orc Dark Blade [Warrior] and his 2 Dire Wolves have captured 3 Human peasants [Scout] from a village. Nate spots their tracks leaving the village and calls “Recognise Tracks Proficiency”. The GM responds “Half-Orc, Human and Animal”.
It also allows a character to follow the track(s) of a creature. Rec Tracks does allow you to track invisible creatures and give you a rough idea of their location, but it does not provide any bonuses to attacking/casting at the creature. Rec Tracks does not allow you to track an incorporeal creature, but may allow you to track a creature that does not leave actual footprints as tracking is not just about footprints, but broken twigs, bent grass etc. this would be at the GMs discretion.
Allows a character to recognise the first sub-type of the creature(s) by their tracks.
Example: Nate calls “Recognise Tracks Specialisation”. The GM responds “Half-Orc, Human and Wolf”.
The skill Recognise Tracks Proficiency must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the second sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by their tracks.
Example: Nate calls “Recognise Tracks Expertise”. The GM responds “Half-Orc, Human and Dire Wolf”.
The skill Recognise Tracks Specialisation must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the third sub-type (if relevant) of the creature(s) by their tracks.
Example: Nate calls “Recognise Tracks Mastery”. The GM responds “Half-Orc, Human and Dire Wolf”.
It also allows for a character to recognise the creature’s best physical/mental trait as follows
Trait | Highest Stat |
Tough | Toughness |
Strong | Strength |
Willful | Willpower |
Dextrous | Dexterity |
Mundane | None |
In the event of two stats being equal, only one result is given. In the event of a creature having no physical/mental traits at all, the result is ‘Mundane’.
The skill Recognise Tracks Expertise must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise the class of the creature(s) by their tracks.
Example: Nate calls “Recognise Tracks Advanced Mastery”. The GM responds “Half-Orc [Warrior], Human [Scout] and Dire Wolf”.
The skill Recognise Tracks Mastery must have already been taken.
Allows a character to recognise any information the GM deems relevant about the creature(s) (e.g. this could be the creatures name, guild etc.) by their tracks.
Example: Nate calls “Recognise Tracks Legendary Mastery”. The GM responds “Half-Orc Dark Blade [Warrior], Human [Scout] and Dire Wolf”.
The skill Recognise Tracks Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
From a visual inspection allows the character to instantly determine whether an item is non-Normal.
If the character can also touch the item they can ascertain:
On an OOC basis a character with this skill can keep a list of the standard IC item prices (IC Money). A character without this skill should not keep this list (since it is not really a list but represents going round haggling/getting best prices etc.), but if they can remember the prices that is fine.
Allows the character to gain or increase their level in any background skill by one level.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
A particularly nasty adept which alters an attack so it can kill a living opponent almost instantly. The opponent must either have their back turned to the user or be helpless. If the attack causes Normal or power damage to the opponent (i.e. not a bruise) they have also taken some immediate life threatening injury and bleeds at a rate equal to the Lethal Strike in Life Points per second. It also does Body damage in the usual way. This bleeding continues until the target receives Life or Body healing of any kind. It may be temporarily paused by another character using the Bind Wounds skill and Concentrating. A target cannot Concentrate whilst under the effects of Lethal Strike until it is healed, regardless if they are losing Life Points or not.
Lethal Strike does not take effect if you are just bruised by the attack (though you still take the bruising damage).
Each time Lethal Strike is taken it allows the character to use it once per hour. Lethal Strike can be learnt more than once to gain multiple uses in a hour. At higher levels, multiple uses of Lethal Strike can be combined into a single blow. Thus a character who has purchased Lethal Strike twice may perform an attack with Lethal 2, causing the target to bleed at 2 Life Points per second. A character can, if in suitably unfortunate circumstances, be under the effects of multiple Lethal Strikes as once, as long as they are delivered in a valid fashion.
Lethal Strike may be combined with Backstab, Mighty Blow and Weapon Adepts.
Example: Bunty, an Elven Scout with Dagger Proficiency and Ambidexterity and 2 uses of Lethal Strike attempts to perform Lethal Strike on an Ogre whose only protection is Toughness 2. Her damage calls are “2 Lethal 1 and 2 Unholy 1 Lethal 1”. The Ogre only takes a point of bruising damage and so the first Lethal Strike is not effective. However the Ogre takes 1 point of Unholy damage from the second attack and begins to bleed at 1 point of Life Damage per second.
Example: Later in her career, Bunty has learned Backstab Specialisation and has purchased 2 uses of Lethal Strike in addition to her Dagger Proficiency. She may attack a target for “8 Lethal 2” once an hour, or “8 Lethal 1” twice an hour, as long as they are a valid target for Backstab.
Example: A seasoned patrolee, Bunty has gained a use of the Weapon Adept ‘Truestrike’ in addition to her Backstab Specialisation, 2 uses of Lethal Strike and Dagger Proficiency. She may attack a targer for “Truestrike 8 Lethal 2” once an hour.
Example: Billy the Snitch is tied up in a Darkblade hideout and unable to move. The rest of his cell attack him with daggers, calling Lethal Strike on each attack. As Billy is helpless, all Lethal strikes are valid and Billy dies extremely quickly.
Note that Lethal Strike cannot be taken by characters who follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom and a character cannot follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom once he has taken this adept.
Lethal Strike can only be peformed with daggers. In order to perform Lethal Strike you must have at least Dagger Proficiency.
Any character can tell if a character is taking damage from Lethal Strike. The Discern Wounds skill is not required.
No Undead (Skeletons, Zombies, Shadows, Ghouls, Ghosts, Vampires, Death Knights, Lichs) are affected by Lethal Strike.
Allows a character to learn how to make a particular trap. See Scout Lore for details.
The skill Recognise Tracks must already have been taken to the level required by the level of the Trap.
Multi-trap is a skill that allows a character to activate more than one trap simultaneously. All the traps in the Multi-Trap must be
The CP cost for the Multi-trap is equal to the total CPs for the relevant Create Trap skills.
When combining although you’re effectively making one trap, you are in reality activating all traps sequentially. This means that the creation time is equal to both the component traps combined.
You do not need to lean Multi-Trap for previous traps in a chain.
Increases the Normal damage a character does with a One Handed Weapon (including Dagger) & Fist/Claws by 3 if an opponent has their back turned to them or is helpless.
You must be at least Proficient in the weapon you are wielding when performing a Backstab.
When attacking an unaware opponent, only the first attack will have its damage increased as presumably after that the opponent is no longer unaware.
A character with Amibidexterity can gain the extra Normal damage with both his attacks, as long as they are done (roughly) simultaneously. A character without Ambidexterity only gains the extra Normal damage to his main hand weapon.
Against helpless opponents all attacks will have their damage increased until the opponent is no longer helpless.
This skill is available to all characters.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 6 under the same conditions outlined under Backstab Proficiency. The skill Backstab Proficiency must have already been taken.
Note that this skill cannot be taken by characters who follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom and a character cannot follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom once he has taken this skill.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 9 under the same conditions outlined under Backstab Proficiency. The skill Backstab Specialisation must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Backstab Expertise.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 12 under the same conditions outlined under Backstab Proficiency. The skill Backstab Expertise must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Backstab Mastery.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 15 under the same conditions outlined under Backstab Proficiency. The skill Backstab Mastery must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Backstab Advanced Mastery.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 18 under the same conditions outlined under Backstab Proficiency. The skill Backstab Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Backstab Legendary Mastery.
Increases the Normal damage a character does with a missile weapon (Bow, Crossbow or Thrown) by 3 if an opponent has his back turned to him.
You must be at least Proficient in the weapon you are wielding when Sniping.
Note that any extra damage from Sniping should only be used if the missile hits the target squarely in the back.
This skill is available to all characters.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 6 under the same conditions outlined under Sniping Proficiency. The skill Sniping Proficiency must have already been taken.
Note that this skill cannot be taken by characters who follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom and a character cannot follow the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom once he has taken this skill.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 9 under the same conditions outlined under Sniping Proficiency. The skill Sniping Specialisation must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Sniping Expertise.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 12 under the same conditions outlined under Sniping Proficiency. The skill Sniping Expertise must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Sniping Mastery.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 15 under the same conditions outlined under Sniping Proficiency. The skill Sniping Mastery must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Sniping Advanced Mastery.
Increases the Normal damage a character does by 18 under the same conditions outlined under Sniping Proficiency. The skill Sniping Advanced Mastery must have already been taken.
This skill is not normally available to characters. Only members of certain guilds can learn Sniping Legendary Mastery.
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
[Human] [Elf] [Half-Elf] [Half-Orc] [Half-Ogre]
The manufacture skills can be used to to create an item. The time taken is as follows:
Type | Normal | Superior | Masterwork |
Light Armour (per location e.g. Left Arm, Chest etc.) | |||
Fur, Thin Leather | 1 day | 4 days | 9 days |
1+ Armour | |||
Thick Leather, Studded Thin Leather, Troll Skin | 2 days | 6 days | 12 days |
2+ Armour | |||
Studded Thick Leather, Studded Troll Skin | 3 days | 8 days | 15 days |
3+ Armour | |||
Heavy Armour (per location e.g. Left Arm, Chest etc.) | |||
Chain, Scale | 4 days | 10 days | 18 days |
4+ Armour | |||
Banded | 5 days | 12 days | 21 days |
5+ Armour | |||
Plate | 6 days | 14 days | 24 days |
6+ Armour | |||
Melee Weapon (per weapon/shield) | |||
Daggers | 2 days | 6 days | 12 days |
2+ Damage | |||
1H Club | 3 days | 8 days | 15 days |
3+ Damage | |||
1H Weapon | 4 days | 10 days | 18 days |
4+ Damage | |||
2H Club | 5 days | 12 days | 21 days |
5+ Damage | |||
Staff | 6 days | 14 days | 24 days |
6+ Damage | |||
2H Weapon | 7 days | 16 days | 27 days |
7+ Damage | |||
Small Shield | 6 days | 15 days | 27 days |
12+ Breakage | |||
Medium Shield | 12 days | 21 days | 33 days |
12+ Breakage | |||
Large Shield | 18 days | 27 days | 39 days |
12+ Breakage | |||
Missile Weapon (per weapon) | |||
1H Crossbow | 4 days | 10 days | 18 days |
4+ Damage | |||
Bow | 6 days | 14 days | 24 days |
6+ Damage | |||
2H Crossbow | 7 days | 16 days | 27 days |
7+ Damage |
The manufacture skills (Make Superior Light Armour/Make Superior Heavy Armour/Make Superior Melee Weapon/Make Superior Missile Weapon) and relevant background skills (Tanning, Blacksmithing) can be used to to repair an item. The time taken is as follows:
Type | Time | Notes |
Damaged (per damage/protection/breakage value) | 15 mins | e.g. from Chaos Blade miracle |
Broken | 1 hour | e.g. from Destroy/Rust/Warp spell/miracle |
Disintegrated | 4 hours | e.g. from Disintegrate miracle |
With this skill, a character can make Superior Light Armour rather than buying it (but still must spend any associated manufacturing costs).
With this skill, a character can make Superior Heavy Armour rather than buying it (but still must spend any associated manufacturing costs).
With this skill, a character can make Superior Melee Weapons & Shields rather than buying them (but still must spend any associated manufacturing costs).
With this skill, a character can make Superior Missile Weapons & Arrows/Quarrels rather than buying them (but still must spend any associated manufacturing costs).