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The base unit of currency in the Kingdom is the Florin (f), 10 florins make a Groat (g).
Prior to 112AE, 1g = 12f, but this was changed after pressure from guilds, who wanted to simplify the way they levied taxes.

The easiest way to earn money is to go on patrols and earn Danger Pay. In general a character will earn 1g for going out on an ordinary patrol, but this can be adjusted depending on the length and success of the patrol. Sometimes money or items can be picked up as loot during a patrol but this is less common.



In order to buy things on a larp, you need a suitable phys-rep for the money. If you do not have a phys-rep, then you do not have the money on you.

If when on a larp, a phys-rep is spent/lost/stolen, then you must record it on BladesDb as a Money Transfer or ask the GM to include it on the game’s debrief.


If you belong to a Guild they may tax you on any income. This is defined as follows:

Tax will be taken automatically from Danger Pay by BladesDb, but you will need to manually make a Money Transfer (Other recipient, enter “TAX”) for other transactions.

Tax should be paid after each complete groat you make (keeping a cumulative total).

Example: Archibald (a member of the Towers) sells an item for 5g7f, he pays 5f tax. He next sells an item for 2f, he pays 0f tax. He next sells an item for 1f, he pays 1f tax (since his total sales value has now reached 6g, so he needs to have paid 6f in total tax).

Other Currencies

Groats and Florins are the stuff of long distance inter-Kingdom trade and represent value far beyond that of the average villager. On the internal Barony scale, the Baronial Pffenig is used to trade items like grain, sheep, beer, lodgings and et cetera. 100 Pffenig are equal to one groat. PCs are assumed to have sufficient Pffenig for their personal needs but trading at this scale produces no profit on the Florin or Groat scale.

Other nations may have their own currencies, although these are not officially defined. Unless told otherwise, other currencies generally have a 1:1 exchange rate with the Kingdom groat.

So far the following has been seen on games:


We’ve used many different things for money phys-reps over the years. The following resources have been shared by their creators for everyone to use.

Groat and florin notes

Printable paper notes for groats and florins by Marcus O.

Groat and florin notes

Printable paper notes for groats and florins by Judith O. and Warren J. Printing on non-white paper is recommended.


Pffenig are represented by polished wooden beads, being sufficiently readily available and unobjectionable to various traders for a villager’s needs

The club also owns a small collection of Kingdom, Arborian and Hassani currency phys-reps that can be lent out for a game.