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2024/2025 Ambrosia

The Ambrosia Campaign Overview
What happens when we’re trapped in the car for so long together

Alex, Amy, Michael & Verity

IC Briefing
Lord Custard has taken great offence to the current state of custard in the Barony. In order to fix his family name, his Lordship seeks to commission patrols to aid him in his goals.

The expeditions planned will involve significant (fully funded) travel across the Barony and surrounding areas, and meeting with many diverse groups.

Those interested should report to the Ambrosia Estates, on the western edge of Heusenberg, in the Autumn.

OOC Briefing
If it wasn’t already obvious, this is not a 100% serious campaign! The usual reminders apply on that warning; the campaign will still be dangerous, and will have moments of seriousness, but the overall tone will remain lighthearted. Don’t let that stop you from playing a serious character; just don’t expect world ending doom and gloom.

There will not be a heavy downtime system in place; some ad-hoc opportunities may arise but there should be no expectation of downtime with/after every game.

We currently intend to run about 12 games, plus a concluding 36HR. Due to the campaign games being spread around the Barony and surrounding areas, this will also lead to opportunities for guest GMs for low level one-shot games with the campaign characters. Please contact us if you are interested.

Please send any questions and character submissions to No restrictions to characters beyond what is standard.

What the GMs need
Please send us your character outline, including at a minimum: name, age, pronouns, race, class and guild.
Please state if you would like a command/leadership role.
Additional non-mandatory questions include:
Why does your character want to join?
What were your character’s opinions of custard before The Incident?
What are your character’s opinions of custard after The Incident?

Please no more than 1 to 2 A4 sides.

Special calls
There will be some special calls but we will endeavour to make them self explanatory. We will create a list when they come up.

Food fight N
Magic, Willpower resisted, mental, offensive

10 ft area which spawns food and causes anyone with less than N willpower in the effect to use the food to have a food fight with anyone around them for 10 seconds.
Food items count as inferior thrown weaponry, so base 1. Let us know if you buy Throwing Food skills…

Custard bomb N
As Air Bomb N (but custard flavoured); Magic, Resisted by Normal armour, Toughness, Dexterity (halved) if not target

Food Coma N
As Coma; Magic, Willpower resisted, mental, offensive